Step Eleven: Cocktail Table Game Repair
The only thing you need to really know about a Cocktail table game is that the inside PCB boards, controls, wiring, everything is identical to uprights, or minis however their location is different. Please refer to the manual for locations of the components which are discussed in each post.

And MOST IMPORTANT To enable the cocktail table game mode on any original Pacman PCB board you simply have to ground pin R to any ground on the 15amp Power supply or any ground inside the game itself. This will cause the board to flip during the cocktail table and play inverted for player two.
Otherwise please proceed to step two and trouble shoot through each post as if it were pertaining to your original cocktail table game or Mini because it is using the same parts just in different locations. Start with the Blank screen post here and Good Luck!!!
My game table picture image “shakes”. What causes this and how do I fix it?
I would start with a cap Kit and see if that does the trick…I have a post on cap kits on my site. If that does work I’d replace the chasis ..also on my site
Will do. Thanks.
I opened up the game table and the fuses look good. I doubt that I can install the cap kit correctly. How would you recommend that I find someone that can come in and repair the game table for me? Thanks.
In the absence of a coin op for one in your state first..but if you can find for an old school tv repair man..someonenwho was in business since the old style tv tubes of 80s and 90s before flat screens..they might could do it
I would start with a cap Kit and see if that does the trick…I have a post on cap kits on my site. If that does work I’d replace the chassis ..also on my site
Can I set my Bally consume pac man to free play
yes You should be able to ..u must set the dip switches to free play..i don’t know what kind of board u have ..but if u have an original board goto the dip switch settings page..if ur board is not original try to find the dip settings online…usually the fourth dip on switch one should be on..and fourth dip on switch 2 should be on