Step Fifteen: How to Replace a Pacman PCB
It is very simple to replace a Original Pacman or Ms Pacman PCB. Sort of like putting in a new DVD in the player. Please first refer to the manual for the proper way to remove your old PCB.
Or If you give up and just want to send off your Pacman Boards for repair, Click here for this service

Next, If you have purchased an original Pacman Or Ms Pacman PCB it will be a simple matter of just putting it back in as per reversing the directions above and plugging the wiring harness back to it. Please make sure the wiring harness orientation is correct with the parts side wires facing the parts side of the board and the solder side of the wiring harness facing the solder (back) side of the PCB. Your connector could be labeled parts side or solder side to help you with this.
Parts Side
Solder Side
If not labeled here are the pinouts:
If you are installing a Jamma harness:
Please refer to the post on Pacman to Jamma here:
Just in case you’re into a simple fix and you feel you lack the expertise to fix your game. There is a cheap fix now for all your non working Pac-man monitors or a Pac PCB. Now you can replace the heavy, maintenance prone CRT arcade monitor with a light simple to use 19″ computer monitor! Also you can replace a non working Pacman or Ms Pacman PCB board with the inexpensive 60 in 1 multigame board and not only does it run Pacman and Ms Pac, but also Galaga, Donkey Kong, Centipede, Frogger, Scramble, Pacman plus and many more of the old 80’s classics. The JAMMA 60 in 1 Board plugs into a computer monitor cable port and works perfectly as a replacement PC VGA monitor for your broken Pacman…Watch Below:
What you will need to upgrade your cabinet to a Multicade 60 in 1:
Where to find a 60 to 1 Multicade PCB Board under $40!
How much and where to find a JAMMA Harness, joystick, buttons, Power supply Kit
Joystick Panel with 3″ trackball
How Much and Where To Buy a Multicade Overlay
Game Will also play in cocktail mode and you can choose the games you wish to have displayed to play. This kit can go in any arcade cabinet and can be used with a replacement 19″ VGA PC monitor or larger monitor if your game cabinet can hold it. To watch how to install it here:
Once you have your new Pacman PCB installed and the wiring harness plugged back in. Turn On your Game and check to see if everything’s back up and running.
I’m glad I found your site. It has been very helpful so far. I am the neighborhood fix it guy. A neighbor brought me his Ms Pac-Man upright machine. It is not “playing”. There is power to the monitor, PCB, lights, and coin door. 5VDC and 12VDC check out. No blown fuses. There is a whining sound coming from the speaker at power up. The monitor is full of small orange dots. No discernible image.
I read through your entire site. It seems like the original PCB has been replaced with a new smaller PCB. There is a green LED on the board that is lit. So it’s getting power. I don’t get any response from the machine when I press any buttons, or simulate coins being dropped in by pressing the micro switch levers.
Do you have any other areas I can check?
Yes Sounds like a chip Eprom problem . The legs of the Eproms are not connecting or shorted or simply out of socket …Goto the eprom section of this site to see how to unseat the chips and clean them
Thanks for the quick reply. I checked the board again. This looks like a board I saw on eBay when I was researching this machine. It’s the only board in the machine and it’s 6 inches by 6 inches. According to information I found on your site the board has a JAMMA connector. There is also an empty VGA socket on the board, as well as, a socket that looks like an external power adapter socket. There is also a socket that looks like a PC power supply socket with 4 pins in it. None of these are used. Only the JAMMA connector is connected. There is no EPROM chip in a socket. All of these components are surface mount. It looks like an Altera processor? From what I saw on eBay, this might be one of those 30 in 1 game boards. My guess now, is that this whole board is bad.
Yes quicker just to replace with a new 60-1 board or jamma pac board